Autori: Adinolfi, Felice, Capitanio, Fabian
Titolo: Strumenti e politiche di gestione del rischio: qual è la vera domanda? Limiti dell'attuale sistema di sostegno pubblico alla gestione del rischio in agricoltura = Risk management tools and public policy: what is the real farmers demand? Weakness of the current system of public support for risk management in agriculture
Periodico: Economia & diritto agroalimentare
Anno: 2013 - Volume: 18 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 189 - Pagina finale: 207

Historically, crop insurance have never seen a market on a large scale without public intervention. About the causes of the failure of the private market were often men- tioned phenomena related to supply and demand. On the supply side, the phenomena of asymmetry and incomplete information, with the consequent problems of adverse selection and moral hazard, and that of systemicity risk; for the demand, however, the limited use of the insurance has been justified by the alleged failure by farmers fully understand the benefits arising from the use of this tool. More generally, what is lacking today in Italy (and Europe) is a clear identification of the demand of farmers for the several risk management tools. What are the practical difficulties and theoretical identification of the application of risk management tools? What are the limitations and approximations necessary in the estimation of demand? By highlighting the limitations of the theoretical approaches frequently used in the literature, this work try to emphasize the need to continue to identify the most appropriate theoretical models and, above all, to focus more on the availability of reliable data, in order to meet the increasing demands pressing to build tools “really useful” for cope with risk in agricultural activity, as well as to build new framework of public intervention in risk management in agriculture.

SICI: 1970-9498(2013)18:2<189:SEPDGD>2.0.ZU;2-C
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