Autori: Adinolfi, Felice, Capitanio, Fabian, Cerciello, Luigi
Titolo: "Terra dei Fuochi" ed economia dell'agroalimentare campano: credibilità dello Stato e delle Istituzioni nel confronto con l'opinione pubblica = "Terra dei Fuochi" and agrifood economy in Campania: the credibility of the Institutions for their citizens
Periodico: Economia & diritto agroalimentare
Anno: 2014 - Volume: 19 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 157 - Pagina finale: 169

The agriculture and agri-food of Campania in recent times is facing a major obstacle, not tied to the ordinary economic dynamics of the market, but connected to a widespread use of models of media which are demolishing an area identified throughout the region, as well any more tolerable truth. “Terra dei Fuochi” is the slogan that stands in the debates at all levels, and that, outside the control of operators in the agricultural sector, is inexorably undermining the credibility of the brand and the farmers. A sector which in recent years had appropriated space and importance, creating new jobs for young people. In this paper, we introduce the possibility of a problem of credibility of the institutions at every level where, with “measurable and certified data” at the public level, it would not be a slogan to generate economic and social repercussions so serious only based on “opinions”.

SICI: 1970-9498(2014)19:1<157:"DFEED>2.0.ZU;2-O
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