Autore: Pontillo, Tiziana
Titolo: Once again on vyakti - vacane in Aṣṭādhyāyī I.2.51: śravaṇaḥ / śrava ṇā
Periodico: Rivista di studi sudasiatici
Anno: 2009 - Volume: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 131 - Pagina finale: 160

This paper aims at adding fresh evidence to Scharfe’s proposal (1965) on the interpretation of A I.2.51. The starting point is a question which has already been tackled in the Mahabha?ya and in the Kasikav?tti ad A IV.2.5; more precisely, the reason for the feminin gender of the taddhita srava?a-, which is derived as a name of a particular night in which the moon is in conjunction with the constellation srava?a?. In fact, the mentioned rule prescribes the replacement of the taddhita-affix a? with the technical term LUP. Thus, according to the traditional interpretation of the general rule governing LUP-replacements (A I.2.51), the gender of the derived word should conform to that of the original one, i.e., the masculin name srava?a?. If the feminin srava?a were the first member of the compound srava?asvatthabhyam in A IV.2.5 instead of srava?a?, the current application of the LUP-rule would be guaranteed, but Vedic and Kalpa-Literature occurrences discourage this supposition. Nevertheless in A IV.2.5 there would be no point in considering the gender of the original word srava?a?.

SICI: 1970-9501(2009)4<131:OAOV-V>2.0.ZU;2-7
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