Autore: Anālayo
Titolo: The Scope of Free Inquiry According to the Vīmaṃsaka - sutta and its Madhyama - āgama Parallel
Periodico: Rivista di studi sudasiatici
Anno: 2009 - Volume: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 7 - Pagina finale: 20

The theme of the present article is the scope of free inquiry from the perspective of the Vima?saka-sutta of the Pali Majjhima-nikaya and its counterpart in the Madhyama-agama, preserved in Chinese translation. In these two specimens from the corpus of early Buddhist discourses, a prospective disciple is encouraged to investigate whether the Buddha’s claim to being a fully awakened teacher is justified. My presentation is based on an annotated translation of the Madhyama-agama discourse, which is followed by a comparative study of the two versions and an evaluation of the significance of their presentation. My frame of reference in the present article is that of the thought-world of the early Buddhist discourses themselves, which for the most part can be considered representative of Buddhism in its pre-sectarian stage. This thought-world forms my point of departure in an attempt to illustrate the message these two parallel discourses convey on the theme of free inquiry in relation to one’s own teacher.

SICI: 1970-9501(2009)4<7:TSOFIA>2.0.ZU;2-7
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