Autore: Ciappi, Silvia
Titolo: I vetri di Vittorio Emanuele II, re d'Italia: tradizione e innovazione a confronto
Periodico: Ricerche di storia dell'arte
Anno: 2015 - Volume: 115 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 53 - Pagina finale: 63

The Exposition of National Agricultural Products and Industrial and Fine Arts held in Florence in 1861 gathered together countless glass objects, both Venetian and Tuscan. Some were purchased by King Vittorio Emanuele II to decorate the Royal apartments in Palazzo Pitti. The publication of Medieval and Renaissance treaties has been central to rediscovery of ancient and forgotten techniques. Trough publication of ancient treaties it was possible bring to light ancient techniques and to proceed with restoration of churches windows. Savoy family renewed Italian cultural and economic policy and attracted interest in the art of glassmaking, which combined technical and stylistic tradition with modern innovation introduced by industrial machinery and chemical science.

SICI: 0392-7202(2015)115:1<53:IVDVEI>2.0.ZU;2-2
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