Autori: Fonseca, Maria Lucinda, Finotelli, Claudia, Ponzo, Irene, Salis, Ester, Malheiros, Jorge
Titolo: Is the Economic Crisis in Southern Europe Turning Into a Migrant Integration Crisis?
Periodico: Politiche Sociali
Anno: 2015 - Volume: 4 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 59 - Pagina finale: 88

Southern Europe has been severely hit by the current economic crisis with negative consequences in many areas. In this article the authors try to understand whether migrant integration has also been negatively affected and, if so, to what extent by analysing empirical data. Integration is, in fact, a complex matter, including several aspects which are connected but not automatically related, and thus are potentially different in their reactions to the economic crisis. First breaking down the concept of integration, the authors then compare Italy, Spain, and Portugal, paying special attention to the labour market, migrants' legal status, and public perceptions about immigration and immigrants. Finally the integration aspects which are more resilient and more sensitive to the crisis are noted, and possible implications for integration patterns of migrants to southern European are pointed out.

SICI: 2284-2098(2015)4:1<59:ITECIS>2.0.ZU;2-B
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