Autori: Barile, Sergio, Maggioni, Vincenzo, Calabrese, Mario, Iandolo, Francesca
Titolo: Paradigmi emergenti: come il tempo influenza le decisioni
Periodico: L'industria
Anno: 2014 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 29 - Pagina finale: 48

It is generally believed that management requires a high degree of analytical reasoning, and that great managers are usually professionals who have dedicated many years to acquire their skills and their interpretative schemes. However, when a manager is asked on how he can easily untangle the complex contexts, the answer is usually that winning decisions are based on intuition and on the ability to envision a future, potential scenario. If we accept that there can be the ability to strategically anticipate an action, generating an abduction, we are dealing with syntropic phenomena that, in managerial sciences, represent the embodiment of desire. Therefore, emphasis is put on the decision-maker's ability to prefigure the existence of the firm seen as a viable system through desire and planning activities. Prefiguring future, that certainly becomes difficult at the micro level, at a macro level has always characterized human action, even though it has never been emphasized in social studies. The will to include new products in a commercial offer, generates an anticipate causation through all the actions that are implemented, so that the desire can become a reality; in other words, you create the basis so that what is desired doesn't remain an abstract utopia. The work is intended to provide a procedure that can overcome firm criticalities, through a response that looks at the past in order to make a diagnosis of the actions that led to the existing situation; and at the future, in order to find a path that allows to overcome it.

SICI: 0019-7416(2014)1<29:PECITI>2.0.ZU;2-8
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