Autori: Tortorella, Walter, Giorgio, Carla
Titolo: Il personale dei Comuni dopo riduzioni e limiti di spesa
Periodico: Amministrare
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 483 - Pagina finale: 502

The legislator, in recent years, has introduced specific measures to contain staff costs of local authorities,including through rules restricting assumptions. The present study evaluates, through theanalysis of the composition of the staff of Italian municipalities, even in comparison with the otherterritorial administrations, regions and provinces, some useful indications about the effects on theterritory of some of the laws in force. The main results of the analysis show that over the last 4years the number of units of municipal staff has undergone a gradual reduction. It therefore appearsthat the provisions to contain and reduce expenses by setting limits to the possibility of hiringprompted municipalities to curb this trend. In 2007 the staff of municipalities, amounted to479,233 units, in 2011, the value is reduced to 446,954, with a percentage change for the periodwhich stood at -6.7%. In addition, by comparing the average labour cost per unit detected at themunicipal level with that of other territorial administrations, ordinary and special statute regionsand provinces, emerges as municipal bodies tend to contain these items at lower levels.

SICI: 0044-8141(2013)3<483:IPDCDR>2.0.ZU;2-7
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