Autore: Di Maria, Roberto
Titolo: La legge regionale siciliana sui 'consorzi di Comuni'
Periodico: Amministrare
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 431 - Pagina finale: 462

The Sicilian Parliament has recently approved a text named "Norme transitorie per l'istituzione diconsorzi di Comuni"; such text - it can be read - takes place, on one side, among the legislativemeasures bound to pursuit the rationalization of public expenses and, on the other side, aims toimprove the responsibility of the institutions on guaranteeing both civil rights and public services.From this point of view, there can be seen both the institutional and financial profiles regarding thejuridical debate on modifying, or else abolish the intermediate level of government: the "Province".The Sicilian legislative initiative is the occasion to take place on such debate, analyzing both the financialtopics connected to the "spending review"; and the more general questions, regarding therevision of the Italian multilevel system of government. And so, briefly recall the address of the ItalianParliament on the same topic, evaluating the content of the analogue measures. Finally, it maybe assumed a synthesis on role and functions of the "Province", and on the opportunity of theirabolishment as well.

SICI: 0044-8141(2013)3<431:LLRSS'>2.0.ZU;2-3
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