Autori: Struck, Olaf, Dütsch, Matthias
Titolo: Learn from the Crisis. Requirements for the Constitution of Labor Market and Welfare State Reforms
Periodico: Economia e lavoro
Anno: 2013 - Volume: 47 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 107 - Pagina finale: 120

External interactions become crises if existingresources for handling changes are not enoughrespectively are not experienced sufficiently. Thatmeans crises are challenging existing resources foractivity, economic, social and cultural resourcesor institutional standards as well as aspirations.So they offer reason to reconsider aims andinstruments, to introduce learning processes andreforms. This also refers to the changes after 2008,experienced as global economic crisis. Accordinglygood material is being offered in order to examinesuccessful and not so successful patterns ofhandling. The emphasis of the following paper ison the Federal Republic of Germany, presentlybeing comparatively successful in managing thecrisis. At the same time the development in otherEuropean countries is included to gain an outlinefor the present short analysis and to derive firstgeneralizable conclusions.

SICI: 0012-978X(2013)47:2<107:LFTCRF>2.0.ZU;2-J
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