Autori: Pintaldi, Federica, Reyneri, Emilio
Titolo: Proseguire gli studi conviene ancora?
Periodico: Scuola democratica : strategie educative e territorio
Anno: 2013 - Volume: 2 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 305 - Pagina finale: 324

Also in Italy we cannot say that higher education is not rewarding or thathighly educated youth and prime age people suffer a risk of being unemployed higher thanpoorly educated ones. The article shows that holding a high educational attainment is worthyboth for youth and adults as it lowers their risk of being unemployed compared withpoorly educated people. And the economic crisis has increased that advantage, although onlya bit. However, in Italy the reward of the education is clearly low compared with that inother European countries, where highly educated people find jobs much faster that poorlyeducated people. Furthermore, in Italy highly educated youth often find jobs that do not fitwith their educational attainment, even if we can argue that this event occurs more often forthose who performed badly at school. Over-education is a phenomenon wide-spreading inall the European countries, but in Italy is increasing very fast among young employed people.The reason for such a small reward of higher education in Italy, however, is not a too largesupply of educated labour, as the proportion of highly educated youth is still quite low comparedwith the European average, but a serious lack of demand for highly qualified labour.

SICI: 1129-731X(2013)2:2<305:PGSCA>2.0.ZU;2-Y
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