Autori: Chiari, Isabella, Koesters Gensini, Sabine Elisabeth
Titolo: Ancora per Tullio De Mauro
Periodico: Bollettino di italianistica
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 295 - Pagina finale: 304

Section "The event" contains the communications held by Sabine E. Koesters Gensini andIsabella Chiari, members of the Faculty of the Department of Document studies, Linguisticsand Geography of Sapienza University of Rome, in the occasion of the public presentationof the issue of "Bollettino di italianistica" (2, 2012) honouring Tullio De Mauro. In a personalperspective, showing affection and gratitude of former disciples, the contributions delineatesignificant features of the personal and academic figure of Tullio De Mauro: the richness inresearch directions; attention and listening to students and disciples; the ethical aspects andthe civil involvement that accompanies Tullio De Mauro's scientific activity.

SICI: 0168-7298(2013)1<295:APTDM>2.0.ZU;2-Y
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