Autori: Sarlo, Michela, Lotto, Lorella, Manfrinati, Andrea
Titolo: Un nuovo set di 60 dilemmi morali: dati normativi italiani per giudizi di accettabilità morale, tempi di decisione e valutazioni emozionali
Periodico: Giornale italiano di psicologia
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 211 - Pagina finale: 230

The widespread need for standardized moral dilemmas has been increasinglymotivated by the recent criticism raised against the stimulus material employed byGreene et al. (2001). The present study aimed at presenting a novel and standardizedset of moral dilemmas, controlled for some relevant features that affect people's moraljudgment. Specifically, in this study we provide the following normative data for 75moral dilemmas (60 experimental dilemmas and 15 filler dilemmas): a) the percentagesof affirmative responses to the resolution of the dilemma, b) the decision times, c) thejudgments of moral acceptability to the resolution of the dilemma, and d) the affectiveratings of Valence and Arousal.

SICI: 0390-5349(2013)1<211:UNSD6D>2.0.ZU;2-I
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