Autori: Guglielmi, Dina, Simbula, Silvia
Titolo: Engaged sì, workaholic no: il ruolo di engagement e workaholism sulla salute e il benessere dei Dirigenti Scolastici
Periodico: Giornale italiano di psicologia
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 195 - Pagina finale: 210

The present study aimed on the one side to examine the differences betweenwork engagement and workaholism in terms of their associations with health and well207being, as well as with other aspects of the relational and working domains; on the otherside it aimed to explore the nature of the relationship, both linear and non-linear, betweenwork engagement and workaholism. 208 School Principals (65.9% female) filledout a well-validated questionnaire. The results of the structural equation modeling confirmthat work engagement and workaholism are two distinct constructs, whose associationswith employee well-being are different. On the contrary there was no relationshipbetween work engagement and workaholism, either linear or curvilinear.

SICI: 0390-5349(2013)1<195:ESWNIR>2.0.ZU;2-F
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