Autore: Eisikovits, Nir
Titolo: Peace versus Justice in Transitional Settings
Periodico: Politica & società
Anno: 2013 - Volume: 5 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 221 - Pagina finale: 236

This paper takes up a recent discussion concerning the nature of transitional justice:is it an ordinary form of liberal democratic justice that is simply applied in a uniquecontext (namely that of a state's coming into being), or is it sui generis - a specialkind of justice arising from the conditions and circumstances that pertain duringtransitions? Answering this question requires understanding the political and moralgoals officials tend to pursue in transitional settings. It also requires mapping out thepossible tensions between such goals. Once these tasks are accomplished, it becomeseasier to describe the nature of transitional justice. In part 1, I describe the differentaims of transitional justice projects. In part 2, I argue that given the friction betweenthese aims, transitional justice settings are defined by the prevalence of the so-called"peace versus justice" dilemma. I also argue that this dilemma is both real and insolvable.It cannot simply be argued away. As such it is best described as a paradox ratherthan a debate. Part 3 discusses the implications of this description for the debateabout the nature of transitional justice.

SICI: 2240-7901(2013)5:2<221:PVJITS>2.0.ZU;2-B
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