Autore: Visco Comandini, Vincenzo
Titolo: I convitati di pietra del caso TnT Post Italia/Pi. Il perimetro del servizio universale, il mercato rilevante, la definizione di rete postale
Periodico: Mercato concorrenza regole
Anno: 2013 - Volume: 15 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 215 - Pagina finale: 226

The Italian Antitrust Authority decision concerning predatory pricing and abusive practicesin the postal market by the Incumbent Poste Italiane has been recently annulledon appeal by the Tar (Italian Administrative Court). The paper criticizes the relevantmarket definition provided by the Authority. According to the 2001 European Commissionthat originally defined it, the postal market where competitors supply theirservices is separated from the universal service market if their provision includes somevalue added features. The main drawback of this definition is that the incumbent,although holding more that 77% of share in the contestable market, is formally notdominant, therefore not charged by special obligations to not reduce competition. Thepaper suggests to charge Agcom, the newly appointed independent postal regulatoryAuthority, to adjust the relevant market definition in the light of true substitution andcross elasticity effects.

SICI: 1590-5128(2013)15:1<215:ICDPDC>2.0.ZU;2-A
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