Ongari, Barbara,
Tomasi, FrancescaTitolo:
Rappresentazioni dell'attaccamento e interazioni tra i bambini adottati e i loro genitori. Indicazioni qualitative da una ricerca-azionePeriodico:
Rassegna di psicologiaAnno:
2013 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
49 - Pagina finale:
64This action-research aimed at analysing the quality of the attachment relationships ofinternationally adoptees and their parents, in order to support their better reciprocalfitting (Schofield, Beek, 2006). Participants were 15 families, after a 3 yrs. duration ofplacement (M = 37,7 m.; SD = 22,18). The children (8 boys and 7 girls; mean age at adoption16,5 m. (SD = 15,7), were observed at 4,5 years mean age (SD = 27,5 m.). The procedureprovided: a) a clinical interview with both parents; b) familiarization with the child:free play and family drawing (DdF) (Corman, 1967; Tambelli, Zavattini, Mossi, 2002); c)Caregiving Interview (CI) (George, Solomon, 2002) to each parent; d) according to agechildren were evaluated using Cassidy & Marvin Procedure (Cassidy, Marvin, 1987; 1988);Separation Anxiety Test (SAT) (Klagsbrun, Bowlby, 1976; Attili, 2001); e) Child BehaviourCheck List fulfilled by each parent (CBCL) (Achenbach, 1991; 2000; Frigerio, 2001); f) afinal interview with parents. Preliminary qualitative results indicated that children weremostly Disorganized (7) and that parents' IWM were insecure (particularly mothers'ones),with rigid defensive patterns.
SICI: 1125-5196(2013)1<49:RDEITI>2.0.ZU;2-X
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