Autore: Rubini, Lauretta
Titolo: L'internazionalizzazione delle relazioni di ricerca nei settori "science based". Il caso della gerarchia in Emilia-Romagna
Periodico: L'industria
Anno: 2008 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 461 - Pagina finale: 488

In recent years the contraposition between basic and applied research or between science and technology has become rather vague. The new innovation path is less linear, socially dispersed and trans-disciplinary. For this reason, in some fields also basic research has proved to be fundamental for the development of new technologies and the growth of specific industrial sectors. Genetics is an example: in this field basic research is carried out in public laboratories, but its findings are extremely relevant for a wide range of different industrial fields, both traditional and technology intensive. In practice, there is a sort of specialisation process according to which universities provide the knowledge that is the base for the new innovative process. Research becomes therefore part of a new way of considering industrial policy. The promotion of "new sectors" based on research may foster the birth of activities able to strengthen the competitive capacity of our economic and industrial system. Consequently, to study the mechanisms regulating the scientific enhancement can represent a valid tool to design ad hoc policy measures. In this framework, this article aims at analysing the cooperative networks that involve the scientific institutions, with specific reference to their impact on the quality of research. In particular, we use an original dataset of publications of the public genetic research laboratories of Emilia Romagna to test empirically the effect of a set of determinants on research quality. Even if it is a very specific study, nevertheless it allows to deepen the knowledge of the dynamics affecting research. This is particularly important in scientific fields, such as genetics, which can represent the future key to the establishment of new industrial sectors or to the restructuring of existing ones.

SICI: 0019-7416(2008)3<461:LDRDRN>2.0.ZU;2-B
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