Autori: Benevolo, Clara, Burlando, Valeria
Titolo: E-customer strategy: la fidelizzazione del cliente on line
Periodico: Micro & macro marketing
Anno: 2013 - Volume: 64 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 61 - Pagina finale: 86

The present paper shows a proposal of strategy with which a firm,that is starting an on line business, can reach a competitive advantagebased on customer satisfaction, trust and loyalty: these are really importantassets for the hypercompetitive online environment.The implementation of an e-customer strategy is substantiallybased on the opportunities linked to the development of digital applications,the correct use of analysis techniques of digital tools trafficand the consciousness of the relational dynamics that rule digital environments.The present work aims to give a review of the most important literarycontributions to explain the theoretical and operative approachto e-customer strategy and aims to apply these concepts to the newdigital context: the definition of presuppositions about the on line environmentand consumer behavior, the consciousness of the most importanttools and the right knowledge about how to use the resultsof the techniques of analysis represent the key elements to reach customerloyalty.

SICI: 1121-4228(2013)64:1<61:ESLFDC>2.0.ZU;2-A
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