Ferretti, Roberto Titolo:
L'Iri nel sistema politico-amministrativo fascistaPeriodico:
2013 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
109 - Pagina finale:
250This article analyses the system of relationships between the "Istituto per la ricostruzione industriale"(Iri) - a public institution created in 1933 to manage the finances of the State followingthe economic crisis - the government, the traditional ministerial offices, and the FascistNational Party (Pnf). The problem of the autonomy of the institution from the politicalsystem, at the moment when the totalitarian goals of fascism were gaining momentum, is atthe centre of this study, which goes beyond the analysis of formal relationships defined bylegislation and rules, so as to focus on the administrative procedure and the informal relationshipsthat are established between different individuals. On the one hand, a pictureemerges of the capability of the Iri management to carve out for itself, from the start, an importantsphere of autonomy from the ministerial offices on which it officially depended - theMinistry of Finance and Ministry of Corporations; it succeeded in determining its own administrativegoals thanks to the increased prestige it enjoyed and the personal relationshipsthat linked the President of the Iri, Beneduce, to the head of government, Benito Mussoliniand to the Ministry of Finance. On the other hand, though, the role of the head of governmentis shown to be at the very centre of relationships between the institution and the politicalsystem, thanks to the strong centralisation of power. The personal and informal relationshipsbetween the management of the Iri and the top of the political administration (Mussoliniand Jung) are key in explaining the balance of power between the institution and politicalsystem. The relationship with the Pnf seemed to evolve over the course of time, in relationto the party's changing direction: the management of the body, which continued to bemade up of individuals that came from outside the fascist party, succeeded in adapting to theprogressive totalitarian grip of the party. The party was also involved in the system of institutions,allowing the Pnf to have a greater influence on the process of designating roles withinthe controlled firms, whilst also maintaining the goals of the firm's activity and the choice ofits direction. Not even the transformation of the Iri into a permanent institution in 1937,which placed it formally under the management of the corporations, could undermine its autonomy,even though a tighter link with the government was imposed, led by the authorities,mediating between the corporations and the cutbacks devised by the institution. The penetrationof fascism in the organs of the entity seemed to be realised between 1943 and 1945,under the Italian Social Republic, with the involvement of Iri companies in the war effortand in the affirmation of an economy regulated by the State, for which the new public entitythat was created in 1944, Igefi, ought to have been fundamental. The prospective of a'planned' economy was attractive to some in the Iri, who desired the growth of the body'srole in the structure of the regime. The fear of ever tighter political control, however, whichwould compromise the 'Beneduce' model by creating an autonomous firm run in line withthe private sector, led the company's bureaucrats to oppose the strident resistance to the projectsof the fascist Republic government, to the point that it prevented their effective implementation.
SICI: 0044-8141(2013)1<109:LNSPF>2.0.ZU;2-F
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