Autore: Burch, Thomas K.
Titolo: Comment on Giuseppe A. Micheli/1. Gestalt Switches in the Idea of Context: Some Informal Comments
Periodico: Sociologica
Anno: 2012 - Volume: 17 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 0

Professor Micheli's systematic unfolding of the concept of "Gestalt switch" and itsuse to outline different definitions of context, linked to different theories of action, speaks foritself. Rather than discussing it further, I focus on other ideas in his paper dealing with thenature of social science and of social scientific knowledge - ideas which seem to me to needmore widespread recognition. These deal with: truth; disunity; variable analysis; abduction. Ialso comment on two ideas whose discussion - or at least mention - I would have welcomed:biology and human behavior; purpose of investigation as a criterion for judging the quality ofscientific knowledge.

SICI: 1971-8853(2012)17:3<0:COGAMG>2.0.ZU;2-E
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