Autore: Dondi, Marco
Titolo: Maturità e specificità del comportamento facciale nelle più precoci fasi dello sviluppo
Periodico: Giornale italiano di psicologia
Anno: 1999 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 23 - Pagina finale: 56

The characteristics of facial behavior in the first month of life are examined and discussed within the facets of maturity and specificity. The analysis is conducted along the lines of main theoretical models of facial behavior, emphasizing morphological, anatomical, expressive and kinesic differences between adult and newborn. Reviewing recent data on motor development and on neonatal reflex activity, the necessity for a radical shift of perspective in the study of neonatal facial behavior is suggested. In addition, recent proposals emerging in the study of adult facial behavior are considered. Finally, some new lines of research are discussed.

SICI: 0390-5349(1999)1<23:MESDCF>2.0.ZU;2-Z
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