Autore: Pasquale, Frascione
Titolo: Due esperienze nella cantieristica navale anconetana. Lo stabilimento Fincantieri e la Cooperativa Tommasi (1974-1997)
Periodico: Prisma
Anno: 2011 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 123 - Pagina finale: 139

The evolution of Shipbuilding in Ancona in the 70s and 80s is seen from inside trough the Author’s personal experience in two very different Shipyards located in Ancona. The wide Shipyard was first owned by CRN and then by Fincantieri, belonging to a large stock company comparable to most important companies in the European Naval Industry. The small Shipyard, Cooperativa Ing. Tommasi, was one of the minor Shipyards in Ancona, which also played an important role in the local economy and had national and international recognition for quality of products and professionalism of employed people. Similar evolutions, from artisan to industrial production, but in different times and in different ways took place in both Shipyards. Both realities at that time were characterized by the same professional capacity of men who have taken part on all levels and by the same entrepreneurial will and perseverance, that have allowed them to obtain results and recognition in a market sector, already then, exposed to strong international competition.

SICI: 0393-9049(2011)3<123:DENCNA>2.0.ZU;2-N
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