Autore: Alagna, Mirko
Titolo: Di solo pane vive l'(ultimo) uomo. Il concetto di sazietà nel pensiero di Max Weber
Periodico: Politica & società
Anno: 2013 - Volume: 4 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 33 - Pagina finale: 52

«For sated people no future blooms»: this is Weber's warning at the end of his textRussia's Transition to Pseudo-Constitutionalism. His fear was the coming of the lastmen, who «live on bread alone» and are unable to dedicate their life to ethical powers.This paper will focus on the concept of Sättigung in Max Weber's works, providinga reconstruction of the occurrences of this semantics, which plays, in my opinion,a significant role in Weber's reflection but nevertheless has been to date underestimatedby the Weberian exegesis. In this way it will be possible to outline a differentand more complete interpretation of Weber's thought and, moreover, to find exactlyin the semantics of satiation/saturation a conceptual tool that could be useful for adiagnosis of contemporary world and contemporary politics.

SICI: 2240-7901(2013)4:1<33:DSPVLU>2.0.ZU;2-N
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