Pozzi, Cesare,
Cassetta, ErnestoTitolo:
Editoriale: Infrastrutture e crescita: una ricetta troppo semplice?Periodico:
2012 - Fascicolo:
2 - Pagina iniziale:
215 - Pagina finale:
220New infrastructure investments are deemed to be essential in any policy to contrast the current economic crisis and to boost economic growth. However, the relationship between infrastructures and economic growth is far more complex. To be effective, infrastructural policies thus require a deep analysis of the causal links between infrastructure and economic system. In this perspective, the article points out that a change is necessary in the way economic theory deals with infrastructural investments to take into account their strategic relevance. Secondly, it is briefly analyzed the potential role of the infrastructural policies to speed up the structural change required to exit the current economic crisis.
SICI: 0019-7416(2012)2<215:EIECUR>2.0.ZU;2-L
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