Autori: Fraccaroli, Franco, Balducci, Christian, Spagnoli, Paola, Alfano, Vincenzo, Barattucci, Massimiliano, Notelaers, Guy
Titolo: Valutare il rischio mobbing nelle organizzazioni. Contributo alla validazione italiana dello Short Negative Acts Questionnaire (S-NAQ)
Periodico: Psicologia sociale
Anno: 2010 - Volume: 0 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 147

In the present study an evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Short Negative Acts Questionnaire (S-NAQ) was carried out by using data concerning an organizational sample (N = 692) and a clinical sample (N = 180). Results confirm that a three-factor structure (Work-related mobbing, Personal mobbing and Social isolation) is superior in terms of fit to a one-factor structure. The latter, however, shows an adequate fit. The S-NAQ and its component scales show significant correlations in the expected direction with role conflict, social climate at work, stress symptoms and the diagnosis of stress-related psychophysical conditions. The magnitude of these correlations is in the range of those observed for the original version of the scale with the same variables. On the whole there is evidence for satisfying psychometric properties for the Italian version of the S-NAQ.

SICI: 1827-2517(2010)0:1<147:VIRMNO>2.0.ZU;2-Y
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