Autore: Pagliaro, Stefano
Titolo: Le conseguenze dell'appartenenza ad un gruppo di basso status
Periodico: Psicologia sociale
Anno: 2010 - Volume: 0 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 29 - Pagina finale: 58

Social Identity Theory posits that an important part of people's identity derives from belonging to social groups. Belonging to disadvantaged groups - that is, low-status groups - is accompanied by a series of negative consequences, which lead people to try to improve their social standing. Taking the social identity approach, the present review aims at integrate affective, perceptual, and behavioral consequences deriving from belonging to low-status groups. Moreover, it reviews the strategies low-status groups members may adopt in order to better their social standing.

SICI: 1827-2517(2010)0:1<29:LCDAUG>2.0.ZU;2-F
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