Associazione ESSPER periodici italiani di economia, scienze sociali e storia
Autore: Veca, Salvatore Titolo: A proposito di scienza, filosofia e forme di conoscenza Periodico: Rivista di filosofia Anno: 2005 - Volume: 0 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 281 - Pagina finale: 286
The author argues that Domenico Parisi's theses about the relation between science and philosophy are open to criticisms for two reasons. The first reason lies in Parisi's inadequate definition of scientific knowledge and, above all, of philosophical knowledge. The second is to be found in his underlying conviction that the job of philosophical research is to supply a true description of how things are. This conviction is mistaken, and its refutation undermines most of the claims advanced by Parisi about science, philosophy and other forms of knowledge.
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