Autore: Rubin, Barry
Titolo: Rivoluzioni arabe e interessi israeliani: una valutazione strategica.
Periodico: Equilibri
Anno: 2011 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 336 - Pagina finale: 346

The dramatic political changes in the Middle East during what has cometo be called the «Arab Spring» have posed new challenges for Israeli foreign and security policy. A range of ongoing changes like the growth of Iranian and Islamist power, the ruling of the Gaza Strip and Lebanon by Islamist governments, and the drastic change in Egypt are among the key factors. This article discusses how Israeli leaders and analysts perceive these developments and what is the country's policy doing to deal with them.

SICI: 1594-7580(2011)2<336:RAEIIU>2.0.ZU;2-S
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