Autori: Leoni, Riccardo, Gaj, Alessandro
Titolo: Apprendimento informale e sviluppo delle competenze: il ruolo dei disegni organizzativi delle imprese. Implicazioni per le politiche industriali
Periodico: Politica economica
Anno: 2010 - Volume: 26 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 55 - Pagina finale: 92

The objective of the study is to test the hypothesis that growth in a worker's competency level is affected by a set of workplace features. The focus is on the expressed ≪key≫ (or transversal) competencies. Our findings show the strong statistical significance of five variables concerning organizational nature of the workplaces, whereby employees: i) have participated in improvement groups; ii) have submitted improvement suggestions; iii) have been interviewed for performance evaluation purposes; iv) receive constant information flows; and v) are involved and consulted by the organization. The cross-sectional nature of the estimates raises typical questions concerning: a) the endogeneity of some variables; b) the problem of selection bias with respect to certain variables and, lastly, c) the heterogeneity issue. All these problems are addressed by a set of test which do not alter the main results. The policy recommendations that can be derived include the implementation of: (1) employee- management agreements to redesign workplaces in accordance with the findings of the study; (2) public policies designed to encourage the re-engineering of workplaces in line with the processes under way in the main countries of Central and Northern Europe.

SICI: 1120-9496(2010)26:1<55:AIESDC>2.0.ZU;2-1
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