Autori: Rinaldi, Alessandro, Pini, Marco
Titolo: Le attività reali e finanziarie delle famiglie: un'analisi a livello provinciale
Periodico: Rivista di economia e statistica del territorio
Anno: 2009 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 100 - Pagina finale: 134

Real and Financial Assets of Households: An Analysis at Provincial Level - This paper has two objectives. The former is to describe the methodology for estimating household wealth at provincial level adopted by Tagliacarne Institute. In particular, it aims to explain the reasons for which estimates are restricted to real * Gli autori ringraziano il Prof. Paolo Quirino per gli utili suggerimenti forniti. Le opinioni espresse riflettono esclusivamente il pensiero degli autori e non impegnano in alcun modo la responsabilità degli Istituti di appartenenza. ** Istituto di Studi e Analisi Economica - ISAE. *** Fondazione Istituto Guglielmo Tagliacarne. (bonds, shares and other equity), and technical reserves (pension funds, insurance technical reserves, etc.), concerning financial assets. The latter is to verify the reliability of the estimate by the comparison of corresponding results with other economic variables. Methods and Results It was applied a regressive model finalized to define the relation between the results of the estimation and other aggregates (employment, added value, income) calculated by the National Institute of Statistics and the above mentioned Tagliacarne Institute. The correlation was generally high and in most cases the statistical tests adopted have confirmed a close interdependence existing between provincial household wealth and respective economic variables. Conclusions Comparing theoretical data derived from the model with actual data, the discrepancies between North and South areas appear considerable. The northern provinces show actual values higher than theoretical ones (especially with regard to financial items), while the southern provinces, generally less developed, present a large proportion of real estate and, on the whole, actual values very low. The conclusion of the research is that it could be utilized for monitoring methods and results derived from the estimate.

JEL: C13, D31, R20

SICI: 1971-0380(2009)3<100:LAREFD>2.0.ZU;2-5
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