Autori: Baccini, Alberto, Marcuzzo, Maria Cristina
Titolo: I dottorati di ricerca in Italia: come si formano gli economisti?
Periodico: Economia politica
Anno: 2009 - Volume: 26 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 265 - Pagina finale: 277

In this paper we examine the Doctorate programs in economics in Italy, also through the lenses of a questionnaire sent to the 44 Directors in charge of them at the time (2008). We asked 10 questions related to the organization, the teaching and the job prospective of their program. Our data, covering the 97% of the doctorates awarded between 2001-2005, allow us to draw a picture which is highly representative of the Italian situation. The Italian Doctorates in economics are characterized by a focus on the academic career and are hardly appealing, both from the demand and supply side, for other professional careers. The training profile is almost exclusively modelled on what is done at the major Ph.D. granting University in the US and UK, in terms of textbook adopted and courses offered. The overview of the Italian Doctorate programs in economics conveys the impression of strong homogeneity, rather than diversity and innovation, to the detriment - in our view - to their potential.

SICI: 1120-2890(2009)26:2<265:IDDRII>2.0.ZU;2-N
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