Autore: Spada, Celestino
Titolo: L'industria culturale italiana alla prova della modernità
Periodico: Economia della cultura
Anno: 2007 - Volume: 17 - Fascicolo: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 451 - Pagina finale: 460

Twenty years ago the more sensible sectors of economic and institutional culture were regarding the liberalist model of modernization as necessary to the innovation and development of Italian cultural industries. Here the present condition of the sector is considered in the light of that model and of the criticalities then patent in editorial - press, book, radio, tv, music, video - enterprises and markets and in the amount and spread of private consumptions, that model was intended to face and to work out. The main factors blocking in these twenty years the innovation of «sistema Italia» are considered - weakness or absence of capital assets, television duopoly, mixing of private interests and public functions, integration of communication system and politics - as well as the part played by technological innovation and by European norms and national and UE Antitrust and Communication Authorities decisions as the main drivers of changing firms and markets. Another case of «passive revolution» and a situation today resulting in improper influences on political action and decision and on the public sphere, where independent opinion and a free cultural discussion are facing new biases.

SICI: 1122-7885(2007)17:4<451:LCIAPD>2.0.ZU;2-S
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