Autori: Siciliano, Giuseppe, Cini, Tatiana
Titolo: L'innovazione nei trasporti. I servizi ferroviari ad alta velocità/alta capacità
Periodico: Economia dei servizi
Anno: 2008 - Volume: 3 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 85 - Pagina finale: 98

In a few years, new high speed (HS) and high capacity (HC) rail services will be inaugurated in Italy. The article examines the various effects of the new infrastructures on the local society and economy; a specific attention is dedicated to tourism impacts, the competitiveness between HS/HC rail and air transport and the main consequences in terms of urban planning.

SICI: 1970-4860(2008)3:1<85:LNTISF>2.0.ZU;2-8
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