Autore: Spadoni, Bruno
Titolo: L'evoluzione istituzionale ed economica dei servizi pubblici locali
Periodico: Economia pubblica
Anno: 2007 - Volume: 37 - Fascicolo: 5/6 - Pagina iniziale: 29 - Pagina finale: 53

L’evoluzione istituzionale ed economica dei servizi pubblici locali - The local public services have been interested for many years by a process of institutional changes that have not carried to a stable order yet. At the same time a number of remarkable changes from an entrepreneurial and industrial point of view have been recorded, and such changes have been reflected in the industry economic and financial courses. In the first part of this paper the evolution of the rules - with a particular reference to the bill n. 772 decayed with the end of the former legislature is briefly described. On the basis of a critical analysis of this provision, some guidelines for a future reform programme, are proposed. In the second part, the main organizational processes and the entrepreneurial and industrial strategies, which have been characterizing the management of the local public services, are analyzed with a reference to the formal privatization, the aggregation and fusion policies, the success of multi utility solutions. At last, a quantification of the dimension of the industry is given, in comparison with the data of national accounting and to those of the main Italian companies as well as the situation and the economic courses of the last years.

SICI: 0390-6140(2007)37:5/6<29:LIEEDS>2.0.ZU;2-4
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