Autori: Ceccato, Francesca, Congia, Maria Carla, Pacini, Silvia
Titolo: Differenziali retributivi regionali nelle piccole imprese italiane: il ruolo delle imprese artigiane
Periodico: Scienze regionali
Anno: 2008 - Volume: 7 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 87 - Pagina finale: 112

Differenziali retributivi regionali nelle piccole imprese italiane: il ruolo delle imprese artigiane Istat, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica* The role of Craft Activities in the Regional Wage Differentials within Small Italian Firms. The study analyses Italian craft firms because of their traditional and significant role among small firms in the Italian economy. A gap in statistical data on craft firm’s wages exists, in particular at a regional detail, despite their economic importance in the Italian labour market. This gap has become more evident since the extension of the competences of the regional level of wage bargaining. The study seeks to remedy this information gap by using the administrative data of the Italian Social Security National Institute (Inps), processed by the Istat Oros survey on employment, wages and social contributions. Taking account of the database’s information capacity, the study analyses the features that distinguish craft firms from other small firms (up to 40 employees). Special attention is paid to analysis of wage differentials between employees in craft activities and those in other small firms, in particular at regional level.

SICI: 1720-3929(2008)7:2<87:DRRNPI>2.0.ZU;2-L
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