Autore: De Giovanni, Biagio
Titolo: Hegel e Nietzsche: Europa e nihilismo
Periodico: Filosofia politica
Anno: 2003 - Volume: 17 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 39 - Pagina finale: 60

The author reconstructs the connection between Europe and nihilism which, in his view, closely associates Hegel's and Nietzsche's reflection on Europe. Hegel's view of Europe as a form of spiritual life and Nietzsche's view of Europe as decadence appear to be two forms of the same concept of Europe: the first one builds its power on self-representation, while the second stresses the difference between Europe and Asia. While for Hegel Europe is a manifestation of liberty, for Nietzsche Europe is the land of nihilism. Within this concept of Europe Hegel and Nietzsche show the unsurmountable interweaving of Europe as a geographical site and Europe as a destiny.

SICI: 0394-7297(2003)17:1<39:HENEEN>2.0.ZU;2-N
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