Articoli pubblicati da: Hill, Sarah Patricia

Risultato della ricerca: (4 titoli )

Disappearing acts: disability, gender, and the memory of Fascism in Italian film [Nel numero speciale 'History and memory in Italian cinema']
Modern Italy - 2017
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Double exposures: the photographic afterlives of Pasolini and Moro [Nel numero speciale 'Iconic images in modern Italy: politics, culture and society']
Modern Italy - 2016
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

A family affair: the depiction of disability in contemporary mainstream Italian cinema
Modern Italy - 2014
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

History and memory in Italian cinema. Introduction
Modern Italy - 2017
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF