Articoli pubblicati da: CARLI, ALBERTO

Risultato della ricerca: (7 titoli )

Fabrizio Foni, Alla fiera dei mostri. Racconti pulp, orrori e arcane fantasticherie nelle riviste italiane 1899-1932, Latina, Tunué, 2007, 334 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2011
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La nuova veglia di lettura, la fiaba 'moderna' e l'Italia unita. Ferdinando Martini, Emma Perodi e Luigi Capuana tra oralità e scrittura
History of education & children's literature - 2006
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Ophelia at the museum. Venuses and anatomical models in the teaching of obstetrics between the 17. and 18. centuries
History of education & children's literature - 2008
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Religion, children's literature and modernity in Western Europe 1750-2000. A valuable text for historical research
History of education & children's literature - 2007
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Tito Speri: an apprentice revolutionary on the eve of 1848 insurrection. The Municipal Lyceum of Lodi and the development of local patriotic spirit in the first half of the 19. century
History of education & children's literature - 2015
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Il volto nascosto della fiaba italiana di secondo Ottocento. Medicina, antropologia e folklore
History of education & children's literature - 2007
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

William Grandi, Infanzia e mondi fantastici, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2007, 310 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2007
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF