Autore: Abbatecola, Emanuela
Titolo: L'alterità molteplice. Percorsi di inserimento lavorativo delle migranti vittime di tratta.
Periodico: Polis
Anno: 2005 - Volume: 19 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 31

The article attempts to analyse labour inclusion paths of migrant women from a particular view point: work experiences of foreign women, for-merly forced into prostitution, who have joined social protection pro-grammes. Usually, in western labour markets migrant women are almost exclusively relegated to jobs related to housework and care. This kind of jobs seems to be poorly suited to women who experienced prostitution, however, as they are not considered as "real" jobs. Since prostitution, es-pecially if forced, damages one's identity, inclusion paths require jobs guaranteeing a strong social identity. For this reason, social workers in-volved in social protection programmes have recently started to seek al-ternative labour inclusion paths. Through analysis of findings of field re-search conducted in Milan and Genoa, positive and negative aspects of these new labour opportunities are examined.

SICI: 1120-9488(2005)19:1<31:LMPDIL>2.0.ZU;2-C
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