Autore: Nacci, Maria Grazia
Titolo: Il fine vita nella Regione Puglia dopo la sentenza Cappato
Periodico: Le regioni
Anno: 2024 - Fascicolo: 5 - Pagina iniziale: 929 - Pagina finale: 939

While state inertia continues in following up on the Cappato ruling, we are witnessing the proliferation of initiatives at regional level, on the assumption that the decision is not immediately self-applicable and requires further regulatory clarifications to overcome the countless doubts and uncertainties it generates. The paper, starting from the analysis of the initiatives taken in Puglia in this direction, aims to clarify the margins and constitutional coordinates of the legitimate action of the regions in this phase and in the absence of prior state intervention.

SICI: 0391-7576(2024)5<929:IFVNRP>2.0.ZU;2-9
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