Sapienza, Rosario Titolo:
L''Atleta di Fano' torna in Italia? [Nota a sentenza: Corte eur. Dir. Uomo, 2 maggio 2024, J. Paul Getty Trust and Others c. Italia, ricorso n. 35271/19] Periodico:
Diritti umani e diritto internazionaleAnno:
2024 - Volume:
18 - Fascicolo:
3 - Pagina iniziale:
735 - Pagina finale:
741The European Court of Human Rights has recently delivered a judgment in the case of J. Paul Getty Trust and Others v. Italy, thus marking an important step in the long and complex story of the so-called “Victorious Youthµ aka the “Athlete from Fanoµ, a bronze statue exhibited at the J. Paul Getty Museum and claimed back by Italy as it was found in the sea off the coast of the Italian town of Fano. The Court has decided that the confiscation order of the statue issued by the Italian authorities did not violate the obligations arising from the European Convention on Human Rights and considered the Museum's behavior in acquiring the statue to be at least negligent, if not downright in bad faith. It is difficult for the moment to say whether this decision will be fully and completely implemented in the United States of America, but it certainly in some way strengthens the position of Italy in the ongoing litigation regarding this and other similar matters.
SICI: 1971-7105(2024)18:3<735:LDFTII>2.0.ZU;2-B
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