Autore: Bettini, Roberto
Titolo: Due principi per una progettazione legislativa: la copertura amministrativa delle leggi ed il ricorso alle scienze sociali nel procedimento legislativo
Periodico: Studi parlamentari e di politica costituzionale
Anno: 1977 - Volume: 10 - Fascicolo: 38 - Pagina iniziale: 37 - Pagina finale: 47

Many researches indicate the year 1966 as the date of the beginning of an ever increasing gap between bills and their implementation. Recently this phenomenon has been called an inflation of "leggi-manifesto" ("bills on paper"). In an administrative state, with at a "suum cuique tribuere" in giving primarily "services" as a "new property", to use the terminology of C.A. Reich, the effectiveness of law, and the area of its implementation is closely con- nected to the organizational dimension of law organization is sanction, we might say, inso far as a bill without organization is equivalent to a bill without sanction. A remedy could be found in serious bill drafting being interpreted as social engineering, forsight and analysis of needs and services, of their demand and supply

SICI: 0303-9714(1977)10:38<37:DPPUPL>2.0.ZU;2-I

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