Autore: Villone, Massimo
Titolo: Modelli di governo locale negli Stati Uniti. Prospettive di riforma del sistema italiano
Periodico: Studi parlamentari e di politica costituzionale
Anno: 1978 - Volume: 11 - Fascicolo: 42 - Pagina iniziale: 15 - Pagina finale: 61

The institutional framework of local government in the U.S. is extremely complex. A variety of state constitutional and legislative provisions concerning the distribution of powers between state and local governmental units must now be taken into consideration together with the traditional approach embodied in Dillon's rule. Recent developments acknowledge the necessity of some degree of local autonomy. New institutional arrangements are also being devised in order that an adequately efficient and flexible answer may may be found to the demands arising out of urban and metropolitan areas, and out of changing outlooks on decentralization and participation. Many of the solutions which are now being suggested in the debate on local government reform in Italy have already been experimented in the U.S.. The compatibility of different institutional arrangements should, however, be carefully assessed, with special regard to the interaction between mass organizations and local government structures in the Italian system. Moreover, preliminary attention must be given to several problems (e.g. local finance, administrative and burocratic efficiency, different levels of social and economic development) in order that a reform may give practicable answers to the needs of local communities

SICI: 0303-9714(1978)11:42<15:MDGLNS>2.0.ZU;2-9

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