Autore: Pegoraro, Lucio
Titolo: L’attività conoscitiva delle Regioni
Periodico: Studi parlamentari e di politica costituzionale
Anno: 1978 - Volume: 11 - Fascicolo: 39 - Pagina iniziale: 57 - Pagina finale: 84

In the article dedicated to the hearings in italian Regions, the Author points out that this institution is expecially instrumental to the legislative function (for the Regions as well as for the national Parliament). The regional hearings, however, differ from the parliamentary ones owing to the presence inside them of a partecipative character unknown to the second ones. The Author evidents that the good result of this institution is due to the assemblear character of the regional Councils

SICI: 0303-9714(1978)11:39<57:LCDR>2.0.ZU;2-Y

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