Autore: Taradel, Alessandro
Titolo: Razionalità ed efficienza nella proposta Giannini per la P.A.
Periodico: Studi parlamentari e di politica costituzionale
Anno: 1979 - Volume: 12 - Fascicolo: 45 - Pagina iniziale: 13 - Pagina finale: 18

The Giannini Report on the Public Administration is characterized by the insistence on a greater efficiency and rationality in the structures of the Public Administration. It emphasises especially the problems of productivity, the recruitment and selection of personnel and their training. In conclusion the Giannini Report is judged, whatever the outcome of its proposals, a fundamental step forward in the arduous road towards a reform of the structures of the Public Administration

SICI: 0303-9714(1979)12:45<13:REENPG>2.0.ZU;2-K

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