Botta, Salvatore Titolo:
Il progetto eurocomunista e lo "strabismo" del Partito comunista belgaPeriodico:
Studi storiciAnno:
2024 - Volume:
no - Fascicolo:
3 - Pagina iniziale:
711 - Pagina finale:
742The purpose of the essay is to reflect on the role and strategies of the Belgian Communist Party in the years of Eurocommunism. Starting from the assumption that historical studies have concentrated above all on the major communist parties of the 1970s (PCI, PCF and PCE), we intend to investigate a small party, but one interesting for its particular geographical position (between the winners and losers of the Second World War, and located in a pivotal country of the European integration project), and for the cultural context in which it operates (the never-resolved confrontation between Flemings and Walloons).
SICI: 0039-3037(2024)NO:3<711:IPEEL">2.0.ZU;2-G
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