Rescigno, Giuseppe Ugo Titolo:
La responsabilità politica del singolo MinistroPeriodico:
Studi parlamentari e di politica costituzionaleAnno:
1980 - Volume:
13 - Fascicolo:
47/48 - Pagina iniziale:
5 - Pagina finale:
16The political responsability of the individual minister generally involves the entire government and thus determines the behaviour of the majority as well as the president of the Council of Ministers. The article examines some typical and recurring modes. One important element, not entirely new except for its dimensions, is that diffused political responsability (before public opinion) is revealed to be more important and incisive than institutional responsability (before Parliament). Finally the article examines the acceptability of a vote of no confidence towards an individual Minister
SICI: 0303-9714(1980)13:47/48<5:LRPDSM>2.0.ZU;2-P
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