Autore: Battista, Daniele
Titolo: Comunicazione politica e intelligenza artificiale: un bilancio tra manipolazione e partecipazione
Periodico: Rivista di Digital Politics
Anno: 2024 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 71 - Pagina finale: 90

The current technological landscape has been profoundly shaped by the rapid and significant advances related to Artificial intelligence (Ai), sparking extraordinary interest in academia and beyond. This innovative development has fueled a wide debate on its political, social, and ethical impacts, raising important questions that require multidisciplinary insights and investigations. In particular, whether its integration into the policy context represents a promising opportunity to improve the efficiency of policy decisions and increase the accountability of institutions is being debated. The objective of this article makes it essential to fully understand the implications and potential consequences of applying Ai in the policy arena. Furthermore, it is of paramount importance to assess whether such initiatives can truly be considered democratic or whether they represent a dangerous trend toward the use of an algorithm for manipulative purposes. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, the research methodology will adopt a deductive approach that will be based on an in-depth analysis of the narratives, imaginaries and expectations regarding Ai in this specific dimension. This study aims to make a significant contribution to the understanding of the complex dynamics within the disruptive issue, offering a critical perspective and a comprehensive picture of the multiple contexts involved in its use.

SICI: 2785-0072 (2024)1<71:CPEIAU>2.0.ZU;2-8
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