Autore: Picarella, Lorenzo
Titolo: Il cybercrime come nuova sfida definitoria al concetto di criminalità organizzata
Periodico: Studi sulla questione criminale
Anno: 2024 - Volume: no - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 105

This article aims to assess the application of the definition of organized crime to different types of cybercriminal groups. The concept of organized crime is highly contested within criminological literature and cybercrimes give the opportunity to discuss this topic from a new angle. To this end, the article firstly reviews the literature on cyber organized crime. Secondly, drawing from legal investigations conducted by Italian prosecutor’s offices, it analyses four types of cybercriminal groups identified from the data collected: online communities of pedophiles, financial cybercriminal groups, online piracy groups, hacktivist groups. Finally, from the cases’ analysis the article highlights potential issues that cybercrimes might pose to the concept of organized crime and looks at new ways to address the problem

SICI: 1828-4973(2024)NO:1<105:ICCNSD>2.0.ZU;2-L
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